Watch the Congressional-White House Hearing about the Investigation
On Tuesday, the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, which is a bi-partisan Congressional-White House panel, convened a hearing about The Outlaw Ocean’s investigation. The title of the hearing was "From Bait to Plate - How Forced Labor in China Taints America's Seafood Supply Chain".
We were asked to testify. Additional testimony came from Robert K. Stumberg, Professor of Law at Georgetown University, Greg Scarlatoiu, Executive Director of the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, and Sally Yozell, Director of the Environmental Security Program at the Stimson Center.
To watch an abbreviated version of the hearing with our testimony and the Q&A directed at us, see:
The full hearing with testimony from the rest of the impressive panel, can be seen here:
Needless to say, we are delighted to see the impact that the investigation is already having, only 3 weeks after publication.